Cards- Oracle and Tarot

Oracle Card & Tarot Readings and Classes

Find the reader that fits your needs, and book your reading!

Card Readers/Creators/Teachers

Terra Bundance

Terra has been doing card readings for over 20 years.
The decks she primarily uses are:
* The I Am Oracle Deck- By Terra Bundance
* The Crystal Ally Cards
* Medicine Cards (Animal Deck)

* 1 or 2 cards- $25
* 3 or 4 card spread- $40
* 5 or 6 card spread- $50
Terra Page →

Hekate Kenning

Hekate is an intuitive guide and spiritual medium, here to serve, by all that is light and good. Her relationship with the unseen world has changed and opened up her entire world. ​She is so excited to see what The Universe has ready for you!
Hekate's Page →

Katherine Burkhart

Katherine teaches Soul Collage Workshops to teach you how to create your own, personalized Card Deck!
Katherine's Page →

Brian Peace

Brian has been doing card readings for over 15 years.

The decks he primarily uses are:
* A Universal Waite Deck
* The I Am Oracle Deck: by Terra Bundance
* The New Orleans Oracle Deck: by Fatima Mboji

* $25: 1 or 2 cards
* $40: 3 or 4 card spread
* $50: 5 or 6 card spread
* $75: 10 card Celtic Cross spread
Brians Page →


Mallory is a gifted intuitive who loves interpreting messages for your highest and best.

The decks she primarily uses are:
* Work your light Oracle deck
* Angels & Ancestors Oracle deck
* Solis divinity Tarot deck
* BONUS: A 1 card pull from a “cheeky” affirmation card deck for every reading

Starseed & lightworker guidance, ancestral messages, romantic love, career/purpose, or situational guidance
- 1 or 2 card pulls - $25
- 3 or 4 card pulls - $40
- 5 or 6 card spread - $50
Contact Mallory →

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